Sunday, March 25, 2012

Summer Shape Up and Go CATS!!

Hey, Hey, Hey!

Hope y'all are enjoying your Sunday. Just wanted to take a sec and post my workouts from this past week. I'm super proud that I stayed motivated and made the time for some more intense workouts:

30 minutes on treadmill at an incline of 3.5

30 minutes on elliptical
5 sets of 12 at 25 lbs. pec fly
2 sets of 20 lunges alternating R and L
2 sets of 28 calf raises
3 sets of 12 at 40 lbs. lateral pull downs

18 minutes on treadmill
5 sets of 12 at 10 lbs. overhead tricep extension
3 sets of 25 standing twist with 10 lb. medicine ball
3 sets of 25 crunches on ball
3 sets of 25 sitting twists on ball
3 sets of 12 at 10 lb. tricep kickbacks sitting on ball
3 sets of 12 at 10 lbs. bicep curl sitting on ball

10 minute stretch
3 sets of 5 squats with stability ball
2 sets of 25 standing twists with 10 lb. medicine ball
17 minutes on treadmill ("Sierra Nevada" trail)
5 sets of 10 at 25 lbs. pec fly

Hoping to squeeze in some cardio today but... gotta watch my KY Wildcats first and then I may or may not opt for some popcorn and a trip to see the "Hunger Games" instead, haha ;) We'll see!

Have a great day and enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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