Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Our Year in Pictures

This past year has gone by so quickly but it has definitely been a year that has changed my life. B and I have grown much more close since making our big move last summer. We came to Connecticut knowing absolutely no one and knowing very little about our new residence. We are leaving with new and close friends that we will keep for a lifetime and with memories and experiences that we will remember forever. Connecticut will always hold a special place in our hearts and it will be a place that we visit many times in the future. I have soaked up the sites of the Connecticut shoreline, become an avid train passenger traveling to NYC, discovered new friends, been in awe of having Yale's campus as my playground, watched my hubby complete an awesome year of training, experienced my sister's and SIL's first visits up north, and we have gone through many "firsts" of our own. 

Here are some photos that reflect some of our time in this special place:

I am beyond grateful that B and I are on this journey together and that Connecticut was a pit stop along our path. We have really enjoyed our time here but we are very much looking forward to what this next chapter has in store for us.



  1. You guys make such a cute couple!! Love all of your pictures :)

  2. Isn't it fun to reflect back?!
    By the Way...love the dress you are wearing with your hair in the bun!!


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